This gentle and ingenious science-based approach focuses on your child’s abilities not her/his limitations. There is no attempt to make your child fit into traditional developmental milestones. Instead, ABMNM utilizes brain plasticity science and the 9 Essentials to create new connections in your child’s brain. The emphasis is on your child becoming a learner using two modalities: the In-person lessons (now on pause because of the pandemic) and online sessions. Both modalities are taught in week-long intensives with one or two sessions each day of the intensive.
For more information, please contact Marcy Lindheimer.
“Following in the footsteps of the revolutionary scientist - clinician Moshe Feldenkrais, the greatest thinker about how to improve movement in the 20th Century, Baniel shows why our mainstream approach to these children [with special needs] is often wrong, and at times damaging, because they train children to “ape” developmental milestones they are not developmentally ready to meet.
The approach here, far wiser, far more subtle, truly holistic, far more ingenious, far more in accord with how brain development occurs, shows ways to access the child’s own brain plasticity and yields far greater results, so that the children can spontaneously grow from within. I know because I have observed Baniel’s little patients on multiple visits, and time after time, I have seen children whose parents were told their brain-damaged children would never walk, or talk, or be able to think well or regulate themselves, begin to do just that with this gentle technique.
I have seen the peace on the faces of these children as their minds and plastic brains suddenly begin to integrate what they have learned for the first time, the explosion of joy at their first steps and watched them grow and become more independent. Baniel is a master clinician for children with special needs, especially creative with brain-damaged children."
~ Dr. Doidge: Faculty University of Toronto Department of Psychiatry, and Research Faculty, Columbia University Department of Psychiatry, Center for Psychoanalytic Training and Research
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