Marcy Lindheimer has a long and varied career in teaching. Her evolution has taken her from teaching music, voice, and piano as a college professor in Minnesota; to teaching singers in Boston and New York City to find their natural voice incorporating the breathing principles of Carl Stough; to helping singers even further by becoming a Guild-Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner®.
Marcy taught private Functional Integration® [FI] lessons and group Awareness Through Movement® [ATM] classes to various adults, and was hired by the New York Times to give ATM classes and private FI lessons to their writers who suffered from carpal tunnel syndrome. She established the Feldenkrais® Learning Center on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, which has continuously offered group ATM classes and private FI lessons to the public since 1987 with Marcy as the Director. Well-respected in the Feldenkrais® community, she became an Assistant Trainer and taught in numerous Guild-Certified Trainings.
Always striving to further her own education in order to teach others, Marcy immersed herself in the Anat Baniel Method® NeuroMovement®. Anat Baniel, after all, had been her first teacher in the Feldenkrais Method®, so they had a long association and close relationship. As a result of her continuous work with Anat and her expanding practice giving ABM Functional Synthesis® lessons, Marcy discovered - much to her surprise - that she loved working with children, and evolved once again to specialize in working with children with special needs.
Anat chose Marcy to co-teach ABM Trainings with her. Through the years as the size of the Trainings grew, Anat entrusted Marcy with establishing and developing a Trainer Program that would teach and nurture an entire teaching staff of Trainers, Assistant Trainers, and Assistants for ongoing ABM Trainings. Marcy’s innate ability to recognize outstanding ABM Practitioners has aided her in giving Anat recommendations for new people to invite into the Trainer Program. As a result of this progression and to set Marcy apart, Anat assigned the exclusive title of Senior Trainer to her.
Besides her responsibilities to Anat and the Trainings - and to all of the trainees and graduates through the years - Marcy has devoted herself to her own private practice in ABM NeuroMovement® based in New York City. Parents from all over the United States and all over the world have brought their special needs children to work with her. Marcy has never stopped learning from Anat, from fellow Practitioners, and from her work with so many special children. It is her perpetual privilege and joy to use her knowledge to help every child reach their full potential.
Due to the Coronavirus/COVID-19, Marcy is currently not seeing children in person; instead, she is working exclusively online. She is excited to be enlisted to participate in the launching of a new modality of ABM NeuroMovement® called Online At Home Coaching (OAHC), which focuses on the parents/caregivers of special needs children to foster their interactions with the children. [Online Coaching] Besides working with the ABM Center in CA to offer OAHC, Marcy is privately offering ABM Transformational Movement Lessons® (TML) classes to adults online via ZOOM (beginning January 2021) and also private Synergy Breathing lessons (currently), which merges the teachings of Carl Stough and breathing coordination with ABM NeuroMovement.
Marcy looks to a future without COVID-19 as a threat in our lives. At that time, she will be thrilled to begin seeing special needs children in person again and will continue with the Online At Home Coaching, to further enhance the development of every child.
Marcy’s website will be updated as classes and private lessons are made available.
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