As soon as you put those hands on Nathan, you literally began to bring his body to life. That sweet little body and nervous system was just not quite free to do what it needed to do; as soon as you began to upload your invaluable input into his brain, it was amazing to watch him take off and start to roll and twist and luxuriate in his newly discovered spine. It’s a riot and a thrill to see him in his crib now…in the past, when we would put him down for a nap, he’d lie there quietly and be asleep in no time. Now, she puts him down and what you see over the top of his crib is arms and legs flying about, burp clothes flying, stuffed animals emerging and disappearing, outstretched arms reaching to activate his mobile. Nothing but joyous and liberating movement, and when he sleeps…he REALLY sleeps. The night after his second lesson, he went down at 8:00PM and didn’t wake up till 9:00 the following morning. All yummy stuff. Best of all, he is a happier baby…it was so apparent how much he loved every minute of those three remarkable lessons. His grandfather has already put in his order for lessons from you for all of his grandchildren.
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