It was an inspiring experience to witness my son Koki’s first ABM intensive with Marcy - their communication and the growing connection between them. Now we are back in NYC for his second intensive and feel grateful for how far Koki has come as a result of the first intensive: in communication, back strength, flexibility and balance. Marcy has her very special, unique and effective way to work with Koki, helping him to learn patience, and to develop a deeper level of communication. Now Koki has learned to stand on his knees, use his back well and even to spontaneously stand up independently for short periods of time. We love the way Marcy explains things to us, always matter of fact but, at the same time, hopeful. The long travels to her have been well worth it. It has made life better for our son, and certainly more hopeful for all of us!
Mother of Koki, September 2016
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