Marcy, thank you for everything you have done for my family and Carter. Seeing your work is incredible. You truly have a gift. I really can't describe how fortunate we are to have the opportunity to have you work with Carter. I have thought about this a lot. I truly believe that you and Anat have the ability to change the future for millions of children forever. I can't reiterate enough how fortunate we are. It is one of my personal goals to help you and Anat in any way possible to share your work. I can see the possibilities of what you do helping endless children. We look forward to visiting you in NYC. Matthew
I cannot tell you how much my family loved the lessons you gave Cypress. He is so much more...everything! He is saying complete sentences, walking on his knees, climbing on things he couldn't, counting to 10, and generally seems more mature. Such HUGE changes! Even Cypress' babysitter is amazed at how much he's changed since last week.
Amy Buzick
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