Chloe's 3 years old with Prader-Willi Syndrome. She's been getting ABM from local practitioners since she was 6 months old (rolled over within 3 days after her first ABM lesson). But in regards to Marcy's recent lessons with her; she's been pulling up into standing for awhile but primarily using her arms. She's never been able to get to squat on her own before, but after her lessons with you in Chicago I watched her get into squatting from "bear walking" for the first time. It was truly beautiful and effortless for her. I know that Chloe's brain has learned many new things and it is that same brain that will continue to learn. I just have to be patient, trust the process and enjoy the journey. Beth
Charlie is doing so well, I am just so thankful that we got to see you as much as we did. He is moving like crazy and is just so happy. It is wonderful. He's stretching his arms above his head, he does it and starts to laugh! He also is going into side sitting much more now when he reaches for toys, it is amazing and wonderful. AND it is all because of YOU!
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